‘Bigfoot’ Spotted in Lansing!
While driving around Greater Lansing yesterday, when what to my wondering eyes should appear - it was Sasquatch! By the way, I didn't realize that there were so many names for Bigfoot, as indicated here at sasquatchcanada.com.
If you'd like to win a pair of tickets to see Evil Dead: The Musical Thursday, October 11, 2018 at City Theatre in Detroit (show runs today, Sept 27th, through Saturday October 27th), you can try your luck by going to the WMMQ Facebook page and telling me where this 'Bigfoot' representation can be found in Lansing
We still haven't gotten confirmation of Bigfoot spotted yet "in the woods near East Lansing" as one guy working at the Lansing Center earlier this year mentioned to a Facebook friend of mine - check out that story here; the guy was totally serious about trying to get audio of the "mother sasquatch and her offpsring..." Maybe video would be a better idea.
One winner will be chosen from the correct answers - good luck!
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