Cardboard Prophets Lunch Sunday at Reuter Park
I have been a fan of Mike Karl for years. I love how he has inspired so many in our area in to action. To stop watching, complaining and just go start doing something to help. He was with the Homeless Angels and now has started the Cardboard Prophets.
Sunday the Cardboard Prophets invite you out to Reuter Park for a free lunch.
Here is the Cardboard Prophets post on Facebook. Click here to see it.
"We so look forward to Feeding our Friends in Reuter Park every 2nd Sunday of the month.
Now let's think of some great summer food ideas that the people may like..
How about some horse shoes in the park.. got some ideas . Food and Fun!!
We need to get some tables and chairs and have a great big picnic in the park! Endless possibilities..."
Another post said
"We so look forward to Feeding our Friends in Reuter Park every 2nd Sunday of the month.
We love our Pastors bringing Praise and Prayer for all in need. We love that so many faithfully come bringing coats, clothing, blessing bags, for those in need.
This is more than just passing out food and stuff. Its about building relationships with the people so we can really help them. This great love of the people is what changes things in us, and restores hope for a better day for those we serve. Together we are spreading awareness of the need of the homeless and restoring faith and hope for a better day.
We thank you all for your continued support, and for our Churches who come weekly to pray with the people. You are making a difference.. keep up the good work!! We have a lot to do!"
Another post said "We have a huge need for backpacks. Many carry most everything they own in a backpack . We are getting so many requests. Please consider donating them. Thank you." Click here to check it out.