Don’t Freak Out When You See These Nine Bugs In Michigan
Michigan has some amazing scenery and awesome outdoor acitivities to participate in. The warmer seasons bring plenty of bugs to life in Michigan. Check out these nine bugs in Michigan that might scare the heck out of you.
There have been a few times when I have been out hiking or working in my yard when a bug comes along that looks like it just stepped off the set of a horror movie. I don't tend to wet myself when these occurences happen but I have been startled a handfull of time. It's pretty creepy when you may be locked in on a hike then all of a sudden you are swarmed by some scary looking bugs in Michigan.
Save yourself the embarassment and check these nine bugs out that live in Michigan that will scare the you know what out of you.
Don't Freak Out When You See These Nine Bugs In Michigan
Imperial Moth
These critters are bright in color and are known for their gigantic size.
Augochlora Sweat Bee
With green an copper highlights in parts of this guy's body, their legs also are also covered in a short golden hair... Kind of a metallic creeper.
Cuckoo Wasp
Also known as Emerald wasps for their bright green hue, they are named cuckoo for their habit of laying eggs in other species' nests.
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Looks like it belongs in the film series, The Mummy.
Halloween Pennant
Look at that orange and black and there's no question why this bug is named after the spooky holiday.
Hummingbird Hawk Moth
These suckers are more often associated with birds, hence the name.
American Lady Butterfly
Depending on the time of year, you may have seen this lady come for a visit in Michigan.
Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle
This one is adept at taking over native territories.
Sowbug Killer Spider
You know those pesky sowbugs, otherwise known as rolly pollies or potato bugs? This guy is their natural born enemy.