The East Lansing Police Department shared this video of a couple of fellas who were having a tough time controlling their impulses in an East Lansing Parking garage recently. Seems like this isn't the first time this particular camera has captured someone about that age acting in a very similar manner. Maybe the gate is too provocative? Just sitting there...asking for a tussle...

This is what ELPD posted on their Facebook page earlier this week. Do either of these two look familiar to you?

HELP! We've caught on tape an individual who is working through some anger issues - and caused damage to city property in the process. (GASP!) If you know who he is, or who his friend is, PLEASE LET US KNOW. We have some detectives that would like to provide a safe place for him to discuss his feelings. Suspect may have bumps and bruises - because running is hard.

***Watch till the end, you won't be disappointed.***


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