Giant Swedish Penis in Snow Makes the Paper
An enormous snow penis was carved into the snow on a frozen river in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is a sight to behold. Click here to see the full story in all it's glory
Someone carved a penis in the snow. A photo of the penis made the paper. City officials couldn't clean up the penis because of the ice wasn't hard enough. A local business cleaned up the penis.
Åke Lindgren, a 79-year-old local resident, watched the situation slowly grow or unfold from the window of his home. A 78 year-old man saw the yellow vested man cleaning up the penis and said "It's funny, the penis is still there, I can still see it. "But it is still a bit dangerous right now." (because of the thin ice)
Then, a Facebook page POPPED up demanding a return of the "snow willy" and people were angry at the man who cleaned up the penis. So, the man who cleaned up the penis grabbed his snow blower and made an even bigger penis in the snow. This penis is waaaay bigger than the first penis. He also made a video.
We'll stay tuned to see if this situation reaches a climax.