A good friend of mine told me about getting my daughter to the Zoo. She told me about the Falconer program at the Potter Park Zoo.

Click here to get more info from their website.

FALCONERS is designed to allow children or adults of all ages with special needs and unique challenges (such as autism or developmental disabilities) and their whole family to have an enriching educational experience in a safe, welcoming and sensory friendly environment. There will be one sensory friendly event in Lansing, Michigan per month throughout 2019.

  • Inclusive for the entire family/support group

  • Up close experiences with ambassador animals

  • Each session includes hands-on stewardship activity

  • This program will be shared with other institutions in the community

The first time we went, our child wasn't very into it. The second time was a little better and this last time, we had the most fun yet. She got to see the Kangaroos!

Nug Zoo

And she got a selfie as a Red Panda.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

The first time we went, she got signed up to win a sensory gift bag and she WON it!

BIG THANKS to the good people at the Potter Park Zoo who donate their time and energy for the special needs kids... and parents.

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