It’s National Human Trafficking Awareness Month
A few years ago, hardly anyone knew what human trafficking was. Then, we found out Michigan was the #2 state in nation for human trafficking. Click here to see that story.
Now, the Michigan State Police are working to educate the public on the signs of human trafficking. They are talking to rest area employees, commercial and public transportation drivers to keep their eyes peeled for the signs. The MSP has also joined up with police from bordering states. Click here to see this full story.
It's crazy to think a human being could be sold for 50 bucks. In Tennessee, a woman was 16 when she killed her human trafficker. At age 16, she was tried as an adult for murdering a Nashville estate agent out of what she claimed to be self defense. Kim Kardashian gets partial credit for blowing the lid off that story. Click here to read more of that.
Other celebrities have gotten involved too. Like Ashton Kutcher.