Snow Blower Driveway Neighbor Act of Kindness Snow Storm


A friend texted me to say that after she worked 9 1/2 hours yesterday, all that she could think about on the drive home was the task ahead of shoveling her long driveway and sidewalks. However, once she got there, she saw that one of her neighbors had already blown the snow away from her drive and sidewalk. She said she was so touched that she almost cried over the kindness of her "Snow Blowing Fairy".

I had planned to take the day off, which turned out to be timed well! I started shoveling yesterday morning, noticing that my neighbor had fired up his snow blower and did his drive in no time at all, then I saw him coming down the street and turning into my driveway while I was working on it.

We've lived in this house for over six years and I've only ever waved at this neighbor and made sure to pick up the dog's business when it lands on his lawn.

When he cam to the top of the drive, he said, "I had to shovel my drive for 62 years. I got this thing two years ago and I LOVE using it!"

I thanked him and went inside, where I mixed up some bread dough, which I plan to bake later today and take over to him as a thank you.

The Lansing State Journal put the snowfall from the storm that began Sunday night and kept piling up through yesterday afternoon at between 6-7 inches for Greater Lansing.

Plenty of people slid off the roads in the storm here in Ingham County and parts beyond. The LSJ has the numbers here.


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