Pants Up in Oscoda: Nugget’s First Great Lake
The wife's boss let us borrow his "cabin" in Oscoda over the weekend. It was our first attempt at taking our little Nugget to the Great Michigan North. We attempted a cabin trip Memorial weekend and it ended in a hot, pissed off baby disaster. Her first phrase was "hot baby."
However this weekend, we got to this awesome cabin RIGHT on Lake Huron and right away we could tell, we were in for another fight. The room wasn't childproof and the Nugget was in full on disaster mode. A new place with no limits and distracted parents trying to unpack. Just don't even try this.
When we made it to the beach, the kid ate as much sand as she could. She HATED the sand. She fell so many times, eventually she just asked dad to pick her up. She seemed to have a good time. Until you tried to take her in. That is when she turned into a possessed demon baby.
The outside shower is a must if you have a sand eating baby.
So, she saw her first Great Lake: Huron. She went on her first teeter-totter. And we won't be trying this again anytime soon. Our Halloween camping trip was cancelled before we left Oscoda.