Nobody is going to accuse Pink Floyd — whether collectively or apart — of inundating the market with product. The group released just three albums over its final three decades. And, as this list of Pink Floyd Solo Albums Ranked Worst to Best shows, the individual members have been just as stingy with their own studio projects.

In fact, David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters and the late Syd Barrett and Richard Wright issued only 15 total rock studio recordings over the first five decades after Pink Floyd's debut.

Wright's most recent project, before he died in 2008, had been back in 1996. Mason hasn’t put out a non-soundtrack album under his own name since 1981. Barrett, the damaged early leader of the band, last issued a studio effort in 1970 before his own death in 2006.

Waters, the group’s middle-period creative mastermind, has been — perhaps unsurprisingly — the most prolific of all of the members of Pink Floyd. Even so, many of his 10 total solo albums won't make our list, since they include live projects and non-rock projects like 2005's Ca Ira, an opera. (As always, we're ignoring soundtrack work too; Mason was once prolific in that arena during the '80s.) Even Waters memorably went from 1992 through 2017 without a studio rock project.

Many of them tend to get overlooked in a world where The Dark Side of the Moon stays on the charts for nearly a generation. Keep scrolling for our list of Pink Floyd Solo Albums Ranked Worst to Best, and find out what you might have missed.

Pink Floyd Solo Albums Ranked

A ranking of solo albums by members of Pink Floyd, listed from worst to best.

Gallery Credit: Nick DeRiso

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