Technology advances at a rapid pace. Robots have replaced humans in many jobs. Robots are taking over the world!

I remember when my grandpa, who worked for one of the big 3 after WWII as a mechanic, retired. It was when the manufacturer was announced it was adding computer chips to cars. My grandpa was getting older and was ready to retire, he didn't have faith in the computers.

Robots Make Life Easier

Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash
Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

We've seen the internet change the world. We have the capacity nowadays to buy robots that will vacuum our homes for us. We have a Roomba at home. Not gonna lie, it's nice to set it and forget it and let it clean the floors. When the kids are home we like to have them do it though, we need to prepare them for life.

The Bad About Robots

One downfall of robots is that they take jobs away from human beings. I guess at the end of the day a company is in business to make money. If it costs a lot of money to purchase a robot initially, but in the longrun it's more cost effective, it makes sense. It doesn't make it right.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash
Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Meet Denise, The Walmart Roomba

I think robots are cool, don't get me wrong. They've done some amazing things. They also clean floors really well. Last weekend I went to Walmart to pick up a few items. While I was shopping, one of those heavy duty floor cleaners was moving down the aisle towards me. At first I didn't think much of it, I see them all of the time. When the floor cleaner got closer to me I noticed that there wasn't a human operating this equipment. I stepped back as it neared me and it went right on by cleaning the floors.


Maybe this is something that has been going with floor cleaners in stores on for a long time, it was my first time seeing the floor cleaner run by itself. Of course the kid in me noticed that it had a driver's seat and a steering wheel. I wanted to jump on and see if I could drive it. I decided to hold off, this time.

I walked around the store for a bit and the Walmart Roomba seemed to follow me.


I decided to name the Walmart Roomba "Denise". I told Denise that she should leave me alone, she didn't listen.


Robots are going to be here forever. Might as well get used to it and the next time you are at Walmart and the "Roomba" goes by, make sure you say hi to "Denise".

Michigan Kroger Stores, 1900-1950s

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