I talk a lot of crap on the air but I am serious about this. Name me a better 3 piece band than Rush. Grand Funk Railroad was the greatest 3 piece EVER from Michigan and the U.S. in my opinion. ZZ Top is a close second. But when it comes to worldwide bands... The Canadian Led Zeppelin (a title given to them by Gene Simmons) is hands down the GREATEST 3 PIECE BAND EVER!

I said this the other day on the radio and no one called to argue. I got a Facebook message from my friend Joe McGauley agreeing with me. He sent me this picture of his grand daughter Lily. She wore this homecoming week for Wacky Wednesday. I LOVE seeing the youth wearing Classic shirt. I gives me great hope.

From Grandpa Joe McGauley's Facebook
From Grandpa Joe McGauley's Facebook

Grandpa Joe MCGauley is clearly raising her right. Even his profile picture has a Rush shirt featured on it.




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