I agree that there is a certain beauty to a fresh snowfall. A soft blanket of white,covering the landscape with all of its purity. And I believe that it may bring a fond Currier & Ives feeling of warmth to some as well. Considering we are fully into March and the return of bluebirds, robin's and red-winged blackbirds have given us the official signs of Spring that we here in Michigan look for, it's time to be over!

We have been teased relentlessly with warm weather streaks, followed by cold temperatures and snowfall. I know I am veering into the traffic lane of Nick Chase with a weather/complaint post, but COME ON MAN!!!

With any luck, we'll see some consistency in the weather department and maybe even a but of warmth. We're rapidly approaching the time switch and with any luck, the end of winter!  Until then, I'll just sit and grumble until the snow actually stops.....which could be may!


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