Thinking About Spring Turkey Season Now, Not A Bad Idea
Every year it's the same thing for me. One or two days before season opens, I'm scrambling for shotgun shells, decoys, calls, camo and whatever gear I need to get out into the woods for turkey season. Add the element of taking my wife Sara Marie, and now I am searching for the gear of two people.
This year, I have decided to go a different route and prepare now! I have scouted the locations of my blind, I know where my camo is and my decoys aren't too far away. This weekend, I even plan on heading down to Outdoorama in Novi for a little catch up with some of my guide friends and maybe book a muskie trip on Lake St. Clair. Yup! This year I'm going to be prepared.
When season opens on April 22nd, I will let you know how close I was to actually being ready.
If you'd like more information on the upcoming Spring Turkey Season, click here for the 2019 Michigan DNR Turkey Digest.