This Whole Numbers Thing Is Getting Insane!
Yesterday I wrote about how I have been seeing 11:11 on the clock at least once a day, almost every day for the past year and a half. I started thinking I was really good at looking at the clock at the same time everyday. As it turns out there may be some sort of awesomeness behind me seeing that specific time. What does 11:11 mean? Get the answer here.
To each their own. Through my recovery from alcoholism I have realized that there is a power greater than me. I believe that everything happens for a reason at the time it is supposed to happen. I also understand that some folks are naysayers. Like I said, believe what you want to.
Chad, all good man. I get it. Until someone truely experiences something bigger then themselves it's hard to believe. I was the same person until I experienced some amazing things I cannot explain.
Others embrace the idea that 11:11 is a positive sign of things in your life heading in the right direction and to stay the path and be patient.
Some people see different patterns of numbers like 12:34.
JD, Subconcious Servant says this about 1234 or 12:34:
If you are beginning to see 1234 manifest in your life, it means that you are being asked to look within at your own power and self-leadership.
Some folks have their own take on 11:11.
Believe what you will. I hope to see more 11:11's.