Here’s Where Michigan Residents Are Moving To Most
Michigan is home to the Great Lakes, auto industry and amazing views. Michigan has about 10 million residents that call the Michigan home. While Michigan is a good place to live, residents move from here. Where do Michigan residents move to the most when they leave the mitten?
Why are people leaving Lansing?
I've lived in Michigan since 1978. I've enjoyed my career in Michigan and call Lansing home. I've seen a lot of changes over the past 27 years in Lansing, some good and some bad.
Michigan has some horrible drivers, lots of potholes and brutal winters. Potholes and winters get tiresome for many and that's why they leave. Drivers in Lansing are some of the worst. What about property taxes? Are you paying too much?
Another issue that could be pushing residents away from Michigan is the violence. With the gun crimes, gun violence and murders continuing, some Michigan residents don't feel safe.
Where are Michigan residents moving when they leave Michigan?
If I move from Michigan when I retire it will be to California. I've been there too many times to not live there. Where are other Michigan residents moving when they leave the capital city?
Do Michiganders want more sun, better roads, more entertainment or is it simply a change of scenery. D Business did a study and shared the results.
The latest data shows that Florida is the most popular destination for residents moving out of Michigan, with 21,668 people making the move during the year of the study.
Florida is warm and very humid. I'm not a fan of humidity, that's a pass for me.
Ohio is the second most popular destination for moving Michigan residents, with 14,049 people making the move during the year of the study.
My only question is, why?
Coming in third,11,061 people moved from Michigan to Texas.
Everything's bigger in Texas. Grab a steak.
Illinois came in fourth place, with 10,396 people moving there from Michigan during the year of the study.
Chicago is fun, if you want to see some seriously flat farm country head down I-55.
Indiana rounds out the top five, with 8,509 Michigan residents moving to the state in the year of the study.
Again, why? Here's what I do know about Indiana, change your plates asap if you move there. I got pulled over going the speed of traffic in Fort Wayne because I had the "out of town" plate.