A Ginormous Python’s Journey Around Jackson
When did Michigan become the new Florida?
According to MLive, someone's python took a trip across a street here in Jackson, Michigan and no...it's not an innuendo.
We're talking an actual, eight-foot long snake that was caught by Jackson County Animal Control officers.
Apparently, two Blackman-Leoni Township Department of Public Safety officers were called to to Andrew Avenue, just east of the Jackson Crossing mall around 10 p.m. Tuesday (June 2nd) with a report of a large snake in the middle of the road.
When they got there, they realized it was no joke, there literally was an extremely large snake in the middle of the dang road!
The officers had to enlist the help of animal control but were able to "coax" it off the road before animal control officers arrived with a dog carrier to trap it in.
How does one just "coax" A GIANT SNAKE out of the middle of a road!? It's not like it's a dog where you can just offer it treats and say "c'mere lil guy!"
Once animal control got the snake into a dog carrier, officers started to investigate the mystery at hand...where the hell did it even come from!?
Animal Control Officer Shawn Lutz told MLive the officers were able to figure out there was a homeowner in the area who owned exotic pets and later confirmed it was, in fact, his. Officers then issued a warning to keep his snake where it belongs (again, not an innuendo).
Now you may be wondering "how did that thing get out in the first place?" and apparently it was pretty easy. Did you know snakes can "bust through" windows?
Well, Jackson County Animal Shelter Director, Lydia Sattler, sure does seems how that's how she says it was "determined" to be the snake's way of escaping from the home.
So there you have it folks, now would whoever is playing "Jumanji" this year please stop?

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