Warning: You need to go ahead and grab your box of Kleenex. Cause this one gets you right in the feels.

A little boy left left his puppy, a note, and a toy at an animal shelter the day before Valentine's day.

The shelter said on their Facebook page: “Someone left this dog at the door of the shelter, inside a box, with a plush toy and a note. The note was written by a kid and he explained his dad was always beating the dog and was planning to sell him. So, in such a state of despair, he left the dog here to save him.” (Bored Panda)

The letter says: “My name is Andrés and I’m 12 years old. My mom and I decided to leave him to you. All of this is behind my dad’s back, because he was thinking of selling him. But he is always beating and kicking the dog. Once he kicked him so hard that his little tail got injured. I hope you can help him and take care of him. Here is a plush toy so he won’t forget me.”  (Bored Panda)


We're not crying. You're crying. Or someone in here is chopping onions.

The shelter also mentioned that they wish more people would adopt animals, not only when they go viral. There are millions of abused animals in the world and they all need love and a happy family.(Bored Panda)

We are big fans of that last statement. That's why we do Fur Baby Friday every Friday with the Capital Area Humane Society. And we encourage you to also check out Ingham County Animal Control & Shelter.

Don't Shop, Adopt. And pass the tissue.

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