Getting to Know Down Syndrome: Etiquette
If you didn't see, Baby Pants was born in November with Down syndrome. My wife knew it was true right away but I was in a bit of denial. I have come to accept, own it and be the best father I can be regardless of an extra chromosome.
So many people shared some amazing thoughts and painful stories with us. All who have taken the time for me and my family, it is very much appreciated. My wife is doing great and the baby "Nugget" has a new nickname: "Gabby." She is a regular Chatty Cathy at just over 4 months old. She doesn't make sense but she keeps talking... Just like daddy.
One of the videos someone shared was worth sharing with everyone in my life. It's the BBC's Things People with Down syndrome are tired of hearing. They all have British accents so, it's rather entertaining.
The one thing I have noticed about Down syndrome kids... Is determined parents or caregivers make a big difference. But duh... That is the same for any kid.
Thanks for sharing with us. Here is another very touching Down syndrome story.