Hawaii Lawman Proposes Smoking Ban on ANYONE Under 100
I quit smoking cigarettes so long ago, I can't even remember how many years it's been. I think it's close to 10. My wife had asthma and I could no longer smoke in the house. It's no fun smoking outside. I eventually quit and haven't missed it sober since.
A lawmaker in Hawaii is proposing a smoking ban on anyone under the age of 100 years old. It's a progressive plan that will increase the legal smoking age to 30 in 2020. 40 in 2021. 50 in 2022. To 60 years-old in 2023. Then, the big jump in 2024 to 100. It would make Hawaii the first state smokers won't go to.
The ban would NOT apply to E-cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco. The proposal is expected to be heard by the state House committee this week.
Already, Hawaii is one of the states that prohibit the sale of cigarettes to anyone under age of 21.