How Do You Get Rid of Your Stink Bugs?
NEVER in my life has my house been so overrun by these bastards!
This spring, I was taking them out by the handful of my shed.
A few weeks ago, I opened up my curtains in my bedroom and the back was covered with so many, I just threw the damn curtain out the window.
At Christmas, we opened up our tree and found a colony of stink jerks in there too. We threw out the tree too.
We have had a really mild winter so far. The last few days have been pretty warm and at our house we have seen the reemergence of the stink bugs. We ALWAYS smell them before we see them. Usually I step on one and don't know it.
Today I smelled one, couldn't figure it out. Then, I felt a tickle on my belly. Sure enough. The stinky bastard liked the warm of my belly.
My partner Maitlynn was freaked out and wrote a post about the 7 things you may not know about them. You can see that story below.
The one thing I didn't know was yes, they put off a stink when they are threated to warn others BUT they also out off a smell humans can't smell to tell their buddies it's safe and warm.
I usually throw them outside and they almost instantly freeze. I know some people use the vacuum but I just bought a new one.
I still feel it crawling on me.

UP NEXT: 7 Things To Know About Stink Bugs
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