Huge Vintage Toy Show This Weekend!
As a kid there were lots of cool toys that we always wanted. Like many other Northsiders, what we wanted and what we got, were two different things. We got what was affordable and that was just fine.
Now, being a somewhat responsible adult, I am free to throw any extra cash at the stuff I love! And that, ladies and gentleman, is old stuff! However, I have yet to delve into the realm of vintage toys.
This weekend, all of that will change. My brother from a wincked other Tesco Vee of Meat Men fame, along with many other like minded individuals will be putting on the Lansing Collectable Toy, Comic and Record Show on Saturday November, 11, 2018 from 9 AM - 4 PM. Lots of vintage toys and hard to find vinyl will fill two floors at the Okemos Conference Center in Okemos, MI, 2187 University Park Drive..
So if you're looking for old vinyl for your turntable, a missing issue of X-MEN or that toy your parents never let you have, this will be the time and place to do it!