Maitlynn Needs Your Help Filling Her Free Time
As we draw closer to the holidays and I have less shopping to do to fill my time, now is when I need your help with new things to try in and around Lansing!
Working two jobs for about a year definitely ate up a lot of my free time, which means I did not get out to try new things as much as I would like to. But now I have more time than ever and want to get out and get to know this city and what you fine folks like to do!
When it comes to food, I am usually willing to try anything. My favorites, though, include sushi, Mexican food, brunch (especially waffles), baked goods, barbecue, hot dogs and more! If you suggest it, I will absolutely try it...especially if it comes from a food truck.
That being said, aside from food, I really enjoy just getting out and enjoying experiences and attractions Lansing has to offer, though I did take plenty of field trips to the Michigan History Museum. I especially like anything that has to do with winter, art, music and more!
Even any bars or breweries that have a really cool, unique atmosphere or some sort of quirk, count me in!
I really am an open book and open to try pretty much anything and everything (within reason) and have been here just long enough to put my trust in all of you to lead me around Lansing! So consider this opening the floodgates to your suggestions. Ready, set, GO!

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