MI Spring Turkey Season Seems Like A Lifetime Away!
Since I harvested my first Michigan Tom in 2011, I have been in love with turkey hunting! The art of calling, decoy setting and waiting for the right moment to take that shot, is an adrenaline rush like no other. And if you've ever heard a big gobbler respond to your call and how close the can get without you knowing, you truly understand.
Over the weekend, my wife and I spent time at her parents home in Central Michigan. They usually have a group of about 150 turkeys in their yard on any given morning. Tom's are strutting and courting hens and fighting for their place in line. Hens are going about their business, getting ready to breed. All of which is visible through every window in the house and making it all the more difficult to wait for April 23rd.
For those interested, the MI DNR has the new 2018 Turkey Digest on line and leftover licenses will go on sale very soon. There are plenty of workshops coming up to aid new hunters in their quest for a wild turkey. And if you're lucky enough, maybe your bird will qualify for the 2018 Commemorative Bucks of Michigan entries.
I currently have two in the record books for multiple bearded birds. A double and a triple taken in consecutive years. Not bad considering that I have only taken 3 thus far. The real fun is when my lovely wife gets her first. She already loves to hunt, and success is just around the corner!
Best of luck to everyone and please visit my website to share your success from the woods and waters of Michigan!
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