MSU Band Director Was Suspended For Sexual Harassment in 2016
Details have emerged surrounding the 2016 suspension of Michigan State University Band Director John T. Madden. According to an article published by The State News Thursday, Madden sent multiple text messages to a female band member in February of 2016. The context of those messages were shared by the victim with The State News, and demonstrate that Madden was drunk texting.
Madden asked the student, who did not return to school after the incident last year, to send pictures of herself dressed up at the Spartan Marching Band's annual banquet. That text read: "Pics of your dress are required...Discretely of course." According to the story, this was not the first incident of what are called more personal messages.
After sending the dress text, Madden sent the student another text, stating he had been drinking and owed an apology to her. It said: "Just finished my conducting gig...Having a couple of beers at a local bar...Sorry for being a creepy texter."
The university's Office of Institutional Equity investigated the sexual harassment claims filed by the female band member. The investigator assigned to the case, Debra Martinez, wrote in an April 2016 report that Madden felt bad about the incident as he is a role model. Madden reportedly told Martinez that he was seeking counseling to handle the spotlight that students had shone on to him.
Other details include Madden's marital issues, his desire to quell the issue with the female band member personally, to which he was told by Martinez would be inappropriate. The investigation concluded that Madden was in violation of university terms. He was suspended for eight days, May 27-June 3, 2016. A promotion for Madden to full time professor was delayed more than four months to October 2016. He was also banned from the 2017 "Huddle" banquet.