Start Brand New Christmas Traditions This Year
We all have our own Christmas traditions that we enjoy this time of year. What are some of your favorite traditions?
At our home we start by selecting a live Christmas tree together at Monticello's in Haslett. Live trees are everywhere in mid Michigan. Once we get the tree home, it's my job to get the tree in the stand and straight. Then we decorate the tree as a family and have a blast doing it. There are always smiles on our faces and the memories will last forever. That's just one tradition we enjoy.
Some of the most popular traditions in the U.S. include tree decorating, drinking egg nog, singing Christmas carols, Advent calendars and hanging stockings. Don't forget about the Christmas wreath. We do some of these too, we decorate the tree. My wife and I love egg nog, the kids, not so much. Of course we hang our stockings. I'm always singing Chirstmas carols in my car when I'm listening to Christmas music. We still need to get our Christmas wreath.
This year we started a new tradition at home. We decided to "adopt" a couple of elementary aged kids in hopes of making their Christmas amazing, one they won't forget. Parents work hard, sometimes it's hard to make ends meet and that's where WE come in. WE is a powerful word and together WE can make our communities better. That includes you.
I have been thinking about the two kids that will receive the presents. I have witnessed the sheer amazement on my sons' faces on Christmas morning. I believe that every single child should receive a gift on Christmas. I will be thinking about these two amazing kids on Christmas, the smiles they will have and ultimately the happiness that will last. Although I won't meet these kids and they won't meet me and my family, it is amazing to think that these kids will have a great Christmas while they spend that time with the ones that love them the most, their parents.
Perhaps trying something like this could be a new tradition for you and your family. As human beings, it's good to do good things with our brief time we are able to live on this Earth. Thy will be done.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, put a smile on someones face this Holiday season.