Stitches Be Damned! DeWitt High School Snitches Get $50
According to a report from the Lansing City Pulse, DeWitt Public School officials are teaming up with CrimeStoppers to help curb criminal activity.
District officials are handing out $50 to students who snitch on others. Along the lines of "know something, say something," the hope is to help students feel confident in reporting illegal drugs, weapons, and alcohol on school grounds.
Apparently, kids can make a report of illegal activity in confidence to school officials. Those anonymous reports will be passed through the school channels to local law enforcement. If a tip leads to someone getting caught doing something illegal, the one who provided the tip could be handed $50, if the offending student is suspended or expelled. Larger payouts are also possible for more severe crimes.
According to the report, Lansing School District, Dansville Schools and Mason Public Schools also participate in similar programs.
For full details, visit this link to Lansing City Pulse.