Where Are The Best Ribs in Michigan?
The wife has been all over me about it lately. "Is Gump's back open yet?"
"No, darling." Well, let me check on Facebook.
"Where can we find a decent rack of ribs now?"
She has been asking for weeks so I REALLY want to know to get her off my case... Where are the best ribs in Michigan. I am talking REAL life experience here. I am talking about ribs so good you lick your fingers the next day... DURING COVID.
On my 24 or 25th birthday, we ate at Outback Steakhouse. I LOVED the ribs so much I actually ordered and finished another plate. The server said they had NEVER seen anyone do that before. What can I say? I like me some ribs.
Our recent favorites were Gump's BBQ. The Spartan Hall of Fame Cafe has some good ones too. I am talking baby back pork ribs, specifically but I am no rib snob. If you know someone cooking up delicious beef ribs, I'll try them too.
I read a report from the Michigan Restaurant Association that said about 1/3 of Michigan restaurants are trending towards closing within the next 6 months. So give some love to your favorite place to try and help promote them before they are gone.
If you are a restaurant looking to advertise that YOU ARE STILL HERE, call 517-394-7272 and talk to one of our people about what we can do for you.