Sometimes when you go out to purchase something at consignment store you don't know where that said purchase has been?

When a pair of women purchased what was said to be a set of Legos in a box were in for a bit of surprise. The women bought the box of Legos at a consignment store outside Charleston, South Carolina and ended up giving it to their nephew for a birthday present. When the child opened the box expecting what he thought were some Legos ended up being over $40,000 worth of meth stuffed inside the box.

Local authorities said they believe the meth had been hidden inside the box by drug distributors and mailed to an empty or abandoned address. Investigators said postal workers will sometimes not to deliver to addresses dubbed vacant, and the unclaimed packages will later be auctioned off. Which is how the Lego box wound up at the consignment shop. Hopefully, that kid did get some Legos for his birthday.


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