Cat Catches And Kills Wrong Mouse!
As a kid growing up, we always had a dog. Irish Setters, German Short Haired Pointer, Yellow Lab Mix, but never cats!
As I got older, it seems that cats came along with the new furnishings. My wife and I have our dog Max, who will be 16 in May. A cat named Fluffy that pretty much came with the house we bought. And our youngest, Russell. A big boy with a squeak for a meow and a habit for chewing up certain phone cords.
We have never had a problem with mice until the other day when my wife Sara was doing some rearranging in my daughters room. It was then when she found the mouse!
Despite the mouse being chewed into a dozen pieces, there were no blood curdling screams. Because this mouse has Dell printed across it! Granted it was an older mouse for our computer, but none-the-less, it met a terrible demise at the paws of our impetuous boy!