Lansing’s New Homeless Hotel Could Use Helping Hands
About sixty people in need of a home are currently staying at the Burkewood Inn at 3216 W. Main street in Lansing Township. The residents include kids, Veterans, pregnant single women and others who are facing one of the most difficult obstacles.
Lansing's Burkewood Inn home is run by Michael Karl, who was once homeless himself. Once Karl built a more stable life for himself, he felt the need to help others. Through his own grassroots efforts to begin with, The Homeless Angels was born. Since the start, many others have helped along the way. There's more information here about the story of how The Homeless Angels help those in the Lansing community.
Karl still spends a week on the streets every year, just to remind himself of the brutal reality of what that can mean in terms of vulnerability and scarcity.
The Homeless Angels shelter was first housed in south Lansing, at a site that had previously been a hotel. The new home-base for The Homeless Angels is on Lansing Road in Lansing Township and they are working hard to get some repairs made. They are most in need of contractors willing to donate labor for plumbing and some light construction.
In terms of goods that they need, diapers and frozen meals top the list. They also need coffee, canned fruit and dry cereal. Clothes can help, too.
Items can be dropped off at the front desk of the Burkewood Inn, 3216 W. Main, St., Lansing any day 7am-9pm.
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