One Minute Meditations With Joey
My former radio partner Deb Hart got me on to the search for peace in my life.
If you have heard the Seether song "Against the Wall"... The lyrics sum it up: "I still can't find the peace I heard about. Maybe I am not supposed to."
So, in my search for peace and finding calm within myself, I started doing one minute meditations while I wait for my coffee to warm up in the microwave. They were so effective, I said what the hell and started sharing them on my Facebook page. I make them kind of loose so if you are a hardened meditation expert, this may not be for you. They are also longer than a minute. See, I have the ADD. My attention span doesn't last for very... HEY IS THAT A BUNNY OUTSIDE?
I have another one in mind for tomorrow.
Find your peace and NEVER STOP LISTENING!