Where Did The Front License Plate Go?
When Michigan discontinued the front license plate back in the 1980's, it all but wiped out a subculture of enthusiasts. Many people loved the open spot on the front bumper. It gave you space to add a new identity to your vehicle.
Some people had hand painted vanity plates with their names. Others had plates that identified them as members of local clubs or organizations. Car dealers even attached plates with their dealership name and logo. An inexpensive way to advertise and no was screaming at you to buy from them. You knew where that car came from,
Front license plates were also a badge of honor. You knew that this car was "Mom's Taxi" or that They "heart" farming. Even the battle between Ford and Chevy was weighed out. Kids could count the blue oval plates or the "USA-1" Chevy plates.
Now, unless your car comes from out of state, not many even have a spot to put a plate of any kind.
WHat, if any, was your plate of choice?
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Here's mine from my first job in radio.
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