Pants People: Brad Ford Gets His Yard Sign at the Okemos Meijer
I was shopping at Meijer yesterday and ran into Brad Ford. Brad has had a rough run recently. He lost his wife Stephania on September 10th of this year. In 2013, he lost his son Bradley to Leukemia. This is really just the half of the horror this man has faced in his life.
I noticed him before he spotted me. We began talking about all he has been through recently. Then, to break the tide of conversation... He said he wanted a WMMQ yard sign. I said "I have one in the back of my car."
He was about to checkout so, I ran to my car and grabbed a sign. On the way in, I was worried someone from Meijer wouldn't let me bring it in but that wasn't an issue. Rich Houghton, a Meijer worker was happy to assist us in snapping a picture. Then, I ran out and grabbed him a sign after he told me he was a fan.
Brad got a picture in his yard with his dog Astro.
A BIG THANKS to Michigan Graphics & Signs for hooking up such a cool sign.
If you want your yard sign, shoot an email to Or just come and see Deb and I on the air between 8-10 AM weekdays only!