Pants People: Lori and Christina Hinkle
I always hate shattering someone's illusion of what they think the radio station is. It is usually always a letdown. I like to keep our studio looking like a ROCK studio instead of a professional environment. It looks like a radio station should.
Now, when people come in, it's dirty and feels like rock and roll. So many people don't like it so naturally, I love it. I am not ashamed.
The other day Lori sent me an email asking if she could come in and grab a WMMQ yard sign. Not long after, she and her daughter Christina showed up for a picture. Thanks for listening Lori and ROCKING the WMMQ Yard Sign this political season!
A BIG THANKS to Michigan Graphics & Signs for hooking up such a cool sign.
Here is how it looked in Lori and Christina's yard for Halloween. Thanks for listening!
The WMMQ yard signs are all gone. There maybe more in the next election cycle.
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