Pants People: Steve Gruber Rocking the WMMQ Yard Sign
If you have been in the area for any amount of time, you have heard of Steve Gruber. When I was younger, he was the smooth sounding anchor on Channel 10. Now, he works at the people scream politics at each other show. Everyday, I walk by his show and thank God I don't have to talk politics.
I walked by and showed him our sign and he said he wanted one. He was the FIRST person to get one, other than my parents. I'll be driving by his house today to make sure he put it up.
He talks politics and we both have strong opinions but manage to get along. Just like my other radio brothers Duran Martinez and Nick Chase. All these guys are rocking a WMMQ Yard sign.
From the Pants Stash
A BIG THANKS to Michigan Graphics & Signs for hooking up such a cool sign.
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