Reunited After 30 Years: Coach and Player’s Bond Still Strong
I hadn't seen him in 30 years, but like any good friend, it was like we never missed a beat.
Back in 1990, I was a point guard with a terrible attitude on the Freshman basketball team for Webberville. Our "new" Coach was Dr. David Huff. None of us knew ANYTHING about him other than he talked kind of funny. When he said "You're Running!" it would come out "Ya Runnin!" Boy, did I run a lot.
We were not a good team, but he was a great leader. I got in some academic issues, so he went to every one of my teachers to see what I could do better. Not only did he make me a better player, he made me a better student.
He left after that year and I didn't see or hear from him for almost 25 years. I would google search, Facebook search but never found him. Until I said something on the radio once about him. Word spread to him and one day, he called me up.
We had a great talk and I got to thank him for being such a great mentor and positive influence on my life. He truly is one of the coolest people I have ever met.
Last night Webberville played Ovid-Elsie, and he is the Ovid-Elsie team doctor. My dad is an assistant coach at Webberville and told me the Dr. was looking for me last year and wanted me to show up this year.
So, I went and waited around. Saw my dad and neither one of us could find the Dr. Then, he walked out just as I said it. Looking the same as he did 30 years ago.
I stayed and got to watch Webberville hand Ovid-Elsie their first loss of the year 54-53. After the game we snapped that picture and he told me he still has the hat our team signed for him in 1990.
I was searching on Facebook and came across a crazy story about the Dr. that even impressed me more. Doc had a bunch of crap happen to him and still didn't allow those things to change what an amazing human he is.
What an awesome human. I had to leave but there was a line of people waiting to greet the Dr. All these people he hasn't seen in years. Still love that Dr. Huff.