Toothless 2019 is About to Come to An End
It's a nightmare I have lived out for almost a year and it is almost over. I will be getting my tooth fixed on October 14th, unless we all die before then.
For years, I would wake up in a nightmare. In my dream, I would be at an event talking and my tooth would fall out. So, I went to the dentist and sure enough, the tooth had root damage and had to be removed. I tried to set it up so I would have it removed one week. Use up all my insurance money for 2018. Then, a few weeks later, I would get the implant when the insurance rolled over. Like everything in my life, that didn't work out like I planned. It got billed late and ate up my money for THIS year. Now, I have a flipper and it makes me sound drunk.
I decided to own it and make it TOOTHLESS '19. Now, you only have a few chances left to come out and get your toothless selfie with me... Plus, score some WMMQ goodies.
You can join me Sunday to get your toothless selfie at Stock and Field on Edgewood. Click here for all the details.
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