Pants People: Janeane Jackson Rocking the WMMQ Yard Sign
I won't just deliver these signs to anyone. Janeane has been listening to me and supporting me on the radio as long as I have been here. When I turned 40, she used to work in the building across from ours and decorated her office window to say Happy Birthday to me. It meant a lot and still means a lot that she is still listening. Janeane lives in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road... But our sign is in her yard. She didn't want it to close to the road out of the fear of it being stolen.
A BIG THANKS to Michigan Graphics & Signs for hooking up such a cool sign.
If you would like your WMMQ Yard Sign... They are moving quickly and will likely be gone by the end of this week. Shoot Joey an email to set up a time to come in and see us.