Last week, we were visited in the studio by Peg. Peg has been calling for years. I knew she was fighting cancer and hadn't seen her at the MSU games this year. She was proud as hell that her hair was going back. She was looking, feeling and sounding healthy and ready to move on. I was fired up to see her and after she left. Peg bleeds GREEN and came in wearing her Green and White.

I am honored this Spartan has our sign in her yard. For a lot of these people, they DON'T have any political signs. This is all they will have in their yard or driveway.

A BIG THANKS to Michigan Graphics & Signs for hooking up such a cool sign.

I may have a sign for you if you REALLy want one but you have to come see us in the studio so I can make you a Pants person. Set up an appointment by sending an email to They will not be given away after Friday.



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