Where I’d Take Your Mom For Mother’s Day in Lansing
Mother's Day is this Sunday and I'm ready to celebrate. Although my moms have passed away I will still celebrate my amazing wife who is an outstanding mom. I will also celbrate my son's mom too. Moms are the best and they have bigger stones than any of us dads will ever have.
I have given you plenty of ideas for Mother's Day, plan ahead and check them out below.
Be Moms Favorite Kid With These Gifts
I've been a last minute kind of guy when it comes to gifts for most of my life. As I have gotten older I have started to plan ahead, finally. The feeling of panic on the eve or morning of Mother's Day because you didn't go shopping or make reservations is not a good feeling, I've been there. I always felt like I failed.
Mom Will Love Brunch at These Places In Lansing
As far as gifts go, listen to your mom. It's okay to pay attention to the things she says or perhaps she points out a blanket at one of her favorite stores and says she would really like that. Take note of that and surprise mom with a gift she has mentioned in the past. It shows her you pay attention. Lord knows that she's been paying attention to you since the day she found out she was pregnant with you.
Gifts That Mom DOES NOT WANT
If you dropped the ball this year, pick it up and run. You still have time. If you fail I'll be happy to take your mom out for a nice meal or experience. Here's what I would do for your mom.
10 Places In Lansing I'd Take Your Mom For Mother's Day
The English Inn - 677 S Michigan Rd, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 - this is one of my favorite places to dine in the Lansing area.
Detoit Tigers Game - If mom loves baseball and you have fond memories of going to games with her while growing up, take her to a game and relive some of the past.
Bowdies Chophouse - 320 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48933 - treat mom to a good steak.
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center - 219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
MSU Dairy Store - 474 S Shaw Ln, East Lansing, MI 48824 - grill out for mom and take her to the Dairy Store. Has she ever been there? Did you used to go together when you were a kid?
Potter Park Zoo - 1301 S Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, MI 48912 - this is an experience. When you were growing up I bet mom took you to the zoo. Take a walk thru the zoo with mom and take a trip down memory lane.
Dusty's Cellar - 1839 W Grand River Ave, Okemos, MI 48864 - wow mom with an impressive meal and if gazpacho is in season get in on that tasty goodness.
River Town Adventures - 530 River St, Lansing, MI 48933 - this could be a fun first timer experience for both of you.
Ukai Hibachi Grill & Sushi Bar Woodlake - 2314 Woodlake Dr, Okemos, MI 48864