Losing My Hart: Saying Goodbye to A Lansing Legend
I am not kidding, I was in high school when I first heard Deb Hart. It's amazing to think, she was on the radio in Lansing at 19 years-old. When I think of the people who are truly legends from this market. I think of Deb, Tim Staudt, Jane Aldrich and Sheri Jones. These people have been a fixture in Lansing for as long as I can remember.
I think Deb is one of the best broadcasters to ever work in this area. Man or woman. She outlived some more famously named male partners and was much more approachable than about 75% of radio people.
Back when my wife got pregnant, she had gestational diabetes. She was sick all the time and about to lose her new dream job. Deb suggested we start doing yoga together. Debra would fit us in wherever she could and NEVER took our money. One time, we did yoga in her basement. My wife saved her job, then got an even better one.
The best story about Deb I have is. She had a vacation scheduled on November 18th, 2016. My daughter was born the day before, so Deb delayed her vacation to accommodate me. I can't think of ANYONE who would have done that for me.
She visited my baby in RNICU at Sparrow. She is a defacto fairy Godmother of my baby. The funniest thing about her visits at the hospital was, my baby Nugget already knew her voice and was comfortable with her. My wife really listens.
The best thing I could say about Deb Hart is she is the only partener I ever wanted and is a BETTER person off the air than on it. I mean, she is the person you think she is.
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