Thanks for Having Your Pants On
I really don't know what tomorrow is going to bring so, I want to get some things off my chest.
It has been such an honor to be your morning DJ for the last 9 years. The guy who put me on the morning show back in 2011, Darrin Arriens, passed away earlier this week at the age of 52. I am shocked. We were NOT best friends but it hit me pretty hard.
My wife got tested earlier this week and has been battling a nasty sickness. I have pretty much been on edge all week. I am worried about my wife, my job and OUR future.
Back in 2002, I walked into the radio station and asked for an internship. I washed the van, did whatever I could and eventually they let me produce the morning show on a fill in basis. I worked with Tim Barron and Deb Hart. Deb gave me the name Joey Pants, which I hated at first. Until I heard the ladies say it.
In January of 2005, they gave me the afternoon show. I did afternoons and filled in on mornings up until 2011 when Darrin said, "start coming in and doing the show everyday."
I never thought I would make it on afternoons. I never thought I would work with LEGENDARY TALENT, let alone become friends with them.
I got terrible grades in school and no one expected me to ever get a real job.
Then I found radio and fell in love. The music, the people and the radio talent I have been surrounded by inspired me to dig deep and become part of the fabric of Lansing.
The best part of my job has always been meeting people. I will treasure some of the friendships I have made forever. The WMMQ audience has shaped me like a little brother, I am very grateful, honored.
I will have forever friendships with some of you guys who always picked me up when I was down. Said the right thing when I needed to hear it. I have always tried to return the favor.
I could have left here long ago for more money and fame but I am part of Lansing. When people hear Joey Pants... I want them to think of Lansing radio not the Goonies or the Soprano's.
No matter what happens tomorrow. Thank you for being a friend and thank you for supporting local radio. I hope all of us are here for a lot longer.

SEE MORE: Pants Snaps: Quarantine Crazy
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